Fat Boy Burgers, one of the oldest establishments in Grand Rapids specializing in burgers, officially closed its doors on February 12, 2025. We are so appreciative to our customers, staff and the community for an amazing run! While the restaurant is no more, we are hoping to keep the Fat Boy brand alive and well paying it forward by supporting other small ma and pa restaurants across the country. Stay tuned for more details…


The Urbane family

Final Owners

The Urbane family purchased Fat Boy Burger in 2009. The restaurant business runs deep in this family. Matt Urbane, owner and proprietor, grew up in the biz. His father, James Urbane, owned several restaurants in the Grand Rapids area including The Fry House on Chicago Drive. In the time that they have owned Fat Boy, the family has made upgrades to the building while trying to stay true to the Fat Boy legacy. The goal has always been to provide a varied menu with fresh, quality products in a chill, laid back environment. .